Along with the invaluable help of her horses, Danielle designed the Haycube in 2012 whilst studying for a Business & Marketing Degree at Coventry University.
Since day one, her horses - Pip, Pippa, Belini & more recently Uli - have been the willing 'testers' for every Haycube design idea and prototype ever made .. it is fair to say the product has been extremely well tried & tested!
Danielle is a BD List 4 Judge, a UKCC Level 2 Coach and has competed herself up to Inter II.
Her time is split between running Haycube, training dressage clients and looking after her own horses ... her loyal spaniel, Mabel, is never far away too!
Danielle designed the Haycube taking on board advice from a large pool of equine experts including vets, physiotherapists, farriers, equine dentists and nutritionists. She continually strives to improve the design based on customer feedback and new ideas.
The Haycube and all of its associated components are British made. Danielle is especially keen to support local business so she sources suppliers from as local as possible - the wall brackets in fact are manufactured less than 5 miles from her house by a small fabrication company!
Danielle is always happy to discuss the Haycube and your equine needs, so please feel free to pick up the phone or send an email to her!